Monday 1 October 2012

It's a looooooooooong way

I think I've just realised how far away Australia is, after spending endless hours on different flights, and my 5 or 6 last meals (can't even remember), have been some kind of almost edible flight food. The flights were alright, even if the movies weren't the best tbh, and I didn't even watch a full one. Luckily I had the pleasure to sit next to a nice guy living in Sydney, all the way from London to Singapore and he told me all kinds of scary and awesome stuff about Australia!!

The flight had a 2 hour technical stop in Singapore and we had the opportunity to get up and stretch our legs. Whilst wondering around on the airport we found a "Cactus Garden" that we had to check out. Was a bit of a shock with the 29 degrees and really humid but the cactuses were just amazing, such a cool place!!!

Arriving in Sydney we had to get through immigration stupidly early in the morning before getting on to our next flight. Now that was quite a nervous experience but we both got through without much struggle. Now here I am, and I don't really understand it. Been sleeping for most of the day so not had the chance to explore much yet, but tomorrow there will be a real chance to look around which I really look forward to!


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